How to know when they're 'The One' - Gala Bingo

How to know when they're 'The One'

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, we surveyed the nation to find out how long it takes the average Brit to fall in love, and nearly half (43%) say they know by three months in - aww!

It takes another three months to declare their love, however, for a quarter of Brits (27%), with one in three (35%) waiting at least six months before telling their partner, just to be sure. Saying those three words can be a pretty big deal, so we're not surprised people are cautious about confessing their love.

To make things easier when identifying budding love, we spoke to relationship specialist, Wendy Capewell, to find out signs which suggest your significant other is 'the one'.

"There are definitely signs in a relationship that point to true love, and a big part of knowing if someone is right for you is how safe and secure you feel with them. You should be able to be completely honest about who you are, showing your true self and sharing your beliefs, secrets and flaws, without fear of being criticised or judged.

"That special someone should make you feel that you are enough, and not ask you to change yourself to fit in a different mould they have created. And, they should reassure you they want to be with you forever - whether that's in words outright, or by little gestures, such as planning events in the future together."

We also asked some of our employees for the moments which let them know they were dating the one.

I could be my true self around them

"I knew he was the one for me on our first date when, not only did he not judge me for getting stuck into the BBQ chicken wings on our sharing platter with my hands instead of with a knife and fork, he joined in without asking any questions."

I looked forward to seeing her after a bad day

"Some people look forward to a glass of wine or chocolate after a hard day; I look forward to seeing my girlfriend. No matter how tough work was, or how I felt, curling up with her always made me feel better."

I couldn't stop talking about him!

"I already suspected that I was in love, because I couldn't stop talking about him (it was starting to annoy my friends!), but one day while we were in a bar this girl started flirting with him, and the rage I felt made me realise I must do."

I genuinely cared about how his day was

"I don't really understand what my boyfriend does, and in all honesty the role itself sounds boring... But I love listening to him talk about his day, even if it goes over my head, because I know he enjoys talking about it and I want to be there for him."

I loved how caring he was

"We were driving back from a day date, and he stopped the car to pick up and move a hedgehog off the road. I love animals, and it made me realise just how sweet he was."

It was love at first sight

"It sounds cringe, but I knew from the minute I met him that he was the one. I had just started out university, in a new city, and we were on campus browsing the fresher's fair. Neither of us had bought tickets for the fresher's finale party, so approached the guy selling them. I tapped his shoulder, he turned around, and I just knew he was meant to be in my life. We've been together for six years, so it shows to trust your intuition sometimes."