Christmas dinner - bingo!

Have yourself a cliché little Christmas

Christmas, it's full of clichés. And even though tons of us don't want to admit it, we all end up indulging in those long-loved traditions when the 25th rolls around. Recently, we surveyed the nation to discover once and for all what Britain's top 20 Christmas clichés were and we were curious to see how many our own families would tick off.

If you're looking for a fun-filled game to play this holiday season, why not have a go at our Christmas cliché bingo - inspired by our survey results, up to four can play at once and it's great for when you need to relax post-Christmas pud!

Top 20 Christmas clichés

1. Telling cracker jokes

Cracker jokes, they're never great. Regardless, we all feel the urge to say them out loud over the dinner table on Christmas! In fact, the cliché came out on top in our survey.

The first cracker ever was actually created back in 1847. They didn't contain jokes back then though, instead a small sweet and a love message were included.

2. Wearing party hats from Christmas crackers

Originally, party hats weren't included inside Christmas crackers. Personally, we love them here at Gala - we just wish came in different sizes to stop them from slipping down over our eyes as we tuck into dinner.

3. Displaying Christmas cards on a card holder or along the stairs

The third cliché on the list? Placing Christmas cards in a (slightly) tacky card holder, or along the stairs.

4. Decorating both the inside and outside of your house

No home can embrace the true spirit of Christmas without plenty of décor! Dressing the inside and outside of a house is a huge tradition, but did you know that Sharon Juantuah from Essex holds the world record for being the fastest Christmas tree decorator? She finished in just 38.89 seconds!

5. Eating leftovers on Boxing Day

Sometimes, leftovers are better than Christmas dinner itself. Tons of us make extra so we can enjoy them the day after, either as a second meal or as a snack. Be careful though, if you spot a tasty turkey sandwich in the fridge and it isn't yours, leave it there. We've all learnt a valuable lesson after watching Ross in that Friends episode - nobody wants a 'MY SANDWICH' outburst over Christmas!

6. Opening and eating a tin of Quality Street

There's always a huge debate over what's better: Quality Street, Roses, Celebrations or Heroes. Whatever you prefer, the purple tin remains a huge favourite with Brits - it's been around since 1936 and the contents has certainly undergone some changes since.

We'll take a moment to say RIP to the chocolates we've loved and lost over the years inside Quality Street, which include the coffee cream and peanut cracknel. Toffee deluxe fans, however, will be pleased to hear it's back for 2017.

7. Watching Christmas TV for hours and hours

Christmas is the one day we all seem to stick to the TV schedule and actually watch TV, rather than switch over to Netflix. When you don't have to move a muscle or decide what to put on next, it's easy to see why thousands spend hours on the sofa on Christmas day.

8. Buying chocolate Christmas tree decorations

When you think about it, putting chocolate on a tree is a bit weird. Alas, we all do it - every single year.

9. Wearing Christmas jumpers

Love them or hate them, Christmas jumpers are here to stay. Some play music, others light up and certain Christmas jumpers go the extra mile and even feature bits that stick out.

10. Opening your stocking first on Christmas Day

Everyone has a stocking, and we all follow the same rule - before we reach for anything under the tree, stocking fillers must be opened first. Always.

11. Watching the same Christmas films every year

Despite seeing Shrek or The Muppet's Christmas Carol time and time again, Christmas just doesn't feel right without certain movies.

12. Eating chocolate coins

A stocking filler essential, chocolate coins are the perfect treat - yes, even at breakfast!

13. Post-Christmas dinner snooze

Whether you're shattered from cooking for ten, worn out from building toys or simply need a rest after too many mince pies, nothing feels better than a post-Christmas dinner snooze. Of course, for those who stay awake, this is the moment when the best Christmas photos are snapped.

14. Putting out carrots, sherry and mince pies for Santa and his reindeer

We're not sure how Santa manages it, but he has plenty of food and drink to consume on Christmas Eve - as do his reindeer. Even if you don't believe in the big guy in the North Pole, plenty of people still put out a small feast before bedtime.

15. Watching the Queen's speech

A speech by a royal has been delivered on Christmas Day since 1932. Queen Elizabeth II has actually opened every single session but two since 1952 - she's only skipped it when she was pregnant!

16. Eating lots of miniature party food

Party food, it's always better in miniature form. At Christmas, we see the best of the best - from pigs in blankets on sticks to tiny mince pies, we just can't get enough.

17. Playing Christmas songs on repeat

We firmly believe, alongside plenty of people in the UK, that nothing but Christmas songs should on during Christmas Day.

18. Going on a Christmas or Boxing Day walk

Whether you start Christmas morning with a refreshing walk, or convince the whole family to burn off some calories on Boxing Day, loads of us choose to head outdoors (come rain, sun or snow) over the festive holiday.

19. Buck's Fizz for breakfast

Want to know the perfect accompaniment to those chocolate coins? Buck's Fizz! All across the UK, bottles are popped open - who said chocolate and alcohol can't be consumed on a morning?

20. Waking up before dawn

Admit it, even if you're an adult you still wake up before dawn. Sometimes the excitement is just too much to handle - it's our final cliché, and one we all can't help but give in to.

If playing bingo with your family isn't quite your cup of tea, why not try your hand at one of the Christmas bingo games we have online?